Animatescroll a jquery plugin to scroll to any part of a webpage
AnimateScroll a jquery plugin to scroll to any part of a webpage

Animatescroll is a jquery plugin, with the help of this plugin you can scroll to any part of your web page. Animatescroll works on top of jquery (very popular javascript…

Create awesome dropdown with free Jquery EasyDropDown plugin
Stylize html select elements with jquery EasyDropDown plugin

Jquery EasyDropDown available for free. It is a new jquery plugin that enhance the css of your dropdown <select> html elements. It is a powerful fancy and stylable drop down…

Owl Carousel: Free Jquery Carousel Effect
Owl Carousel: Touch enabled jquery responsive carousel slider

Owl Carousel is a latest free jquery plugin that facilitate you to create beautiful carousel scroll slider for your website or web app. Owl Carousel is fully responsive plugin that…

Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag
Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag

Hashslider is a jquery content slider that can slide any html content unlike any jquery content slider plugin, Hashslider come with a hash tag feature that is unique for each…

S Gallery: A responsive jquery plugin with CSS3 animations
S Gallery: A responsive jquery plugin with CSS3 animations

This time I found a very good elegant jquery plugin to solve your modern gallery problem, it is equipped with CSS3 and supported by all modern browser like Chrome, Safari,…

Jquery plugin to show or hide password
How to show or hide password input box content

Many times while entering the password visitors forgot what they have entered and ultimately when they do click on submit button they find in correct login or password as an…

Loda Button: Animated Buttons
How to create animated button with jquery and css3

With the help of jquery and css3 you can create animated buttons for your next web project. The idea is to do not use image instead you can use icon…

Elements Transition Effects
Create element with transition effect with ElementTransitions.js

Jquery offers different kind of effects that you can assign on different html elements when different events occurs like hover, click or double click etc. But it’s hard to discover…

Tabulous a jquery plugin to create tab
Organized your content in tabs with tabulous.js

Today web has now become too much advanced, ever since css3 and html5 came in existence new web techniques and tools gets evolve each day. Tabulous.js is jquery plugin which…

Tipue Search Plugin
Place search box in website easily with Tipue Search

Tipue search is a jquery search plugin that offers you to add full website search features in a search box which works without database and run completely in the client…

Launch login modal Launch register modal