Stylize html select elements with jquery EasyDropDown plugin

Create awesome dropdown with free Jquery EasyDropDown plugin
Create awesome dropdown with free Jquery EasyDropDown plugin

Jquery EasyDropDown available for free. It is a new jquery plugin that enhance the css of your dropdown <select> html elements.

Create awesome dropdown with free Jquery EasyDropDown plugin
Create awesome dropdown with free Jquery EasyDropDown plugin

It is a powerful fancy and stylable drop down builder. Effortlessly you can turn your simple raw <select> html in awesome look in different styles.

Jquery EasyDropDown is an open source jquery free plugin you can download it directly from Github or you can fork its repository check out its demo for more information.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo[/button]

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Download Source[/button]

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Fork at Github[/button]