Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag

Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag
Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag

Hashslider is a jquery content slider that can slide any html content unlike any jquery content slider plugin, Hashslider come with a hash tag feature that is unique for each slide and any slide can be directly access via unique hash tag.

Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag
Hashslider: Jquery plugin to slide the content with #hash tag

Hashslider helps you to jump on a particular slide position with the help of hash tag feature, which is also helpful in search engine optimization that creates search engine friendly urls.

For example:  if you have a domain address http://mhuegel.de/lab/hashslider/#function.

The above mentioned url will let you not only to a slideshow but also show exact slide to whom you donated with a hash name #function.

In hash tag slider you can easily add html content like text, graphics and video etc. it comes in two version first is free version and second is paid version with pro features.

The main features of Hashslider are:

Direct links to slider postion via hash tag Easy to implement
Fully customizable Free for everyone
Responsive (based on your css) NEW Content could be anything
Only 2,3 kb in size Optimized for large amount of slides NEW
Unique hash-names NEW Navigate by mousewheel PRO
Autoslide PRO Autoslide time marker PRO

Hashslider is a lightweight jquery plugin which comes with only two files hashslider.js and hashslider.css, its integration is also very easily and you have to just follow simple step, see its website for complete integration.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://mhuegel.de/lab/hashslider/” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]