for IE Testing
Testing IE browser compatibility via

Once your Photoshop web design layout is approved you start converting into html by using any sophisticated html editor like Dreamweaver. While converting a web design layout into real world…

Stream music and video from Amazon S3 using S3audible plugin

What is Amazon S3? Amazon S3 is cloud based storage solution from Amazon Inc. each folder on S3 called a bucket where you can upload your files and can share…

icon hover effect
Learn to create simple CSS3 and HTML5 based icon hover effect

We have seen so many animation effects by using CSS3 and HTML5 in this direction I am going to share you a wonderful tutorial that guides you through to build…

Pure UI Framework by Yahoo!
Pure – A fresh UI kickstart solution from Yahoo

Today when CSS3 and HTML5 getting strong as day progress, we have seen many css3 and html5 UI framework that are mainly developed to give you a kickstart solution for…

Bookblock Flip Page Plugin
Jquery plugin to create book like flip page

Bookblock is a jquery plugin that help you to create booklet like page component by using this plugin you can create a book which can be flip by clicking on…

PhpFreeChat an open source PHP Chat Script

Now you can create your own chatting room with free and open source available application PHPfreechat. This app doesn’t create any database rather it use file system to execute it…

Create simple and elegant variety of clocks with Flipclock.js

Flipclock.js is a simple javascript framework to create different kind of clock for your website or web application. It can be used to create a clock, timer and countdown. It…

fries ui kit
Fries is a UI framework for Android

In today time there are many frameworks available to give a kickstart UI solution to iOS platform but not much exists for Android. Fries is a solid HTML-CSS-JS UI framework…

Least.js a responsive image gallery built in html5 and css3

While searching an image on google image search you must have noticed google expanding inline image layout and also similar feature you can see on grid layout as well.…

tooltip menu
Learn to create tooltip menu

Today I am going to share you an awesome tutorial to design a tooltip menu using Modernizr’s (A javascript detection library for HTML5/CSS3) touch detection technology. You can reveal the…

Launch login modal Launch register modal