Jquery plugin to create book like flip page

Bookblock is a jquery plugin that help you to create booklet like page component by using this plugin you can create a book which can be flip by clicking on buttons i.e. next, previous, start and end.

Inside the content area of the booklet page you can add different types of html content i.e. text, music and video etc.
There are five types of demo which demonstrate you how you can create different types of booklet by using this awesome plugin.
By using this plugin you can create monthly calendar, a full page booklet and thumb rotation etc.
[button link=”http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/05/28/bookblock-revised/” size=”medium” target=”_blank”]Access Tutorial[/button] |
[button link=”http://tympanus.net/Development/BookBlock/” size=”medium” target=”_blank”]Demo[/button] |
[button link=”http://tympanus.net/Development/BookBlock/BookBlock.zip” size=”medium” target=”_blank”]Download[/button] |