Firechat: A real time chat application
Firechat: Open source client side real time chat application

Firechat is an Open source real time chat application that runs fully on client side without any support of server side code. This application has support of multiple users and…

Jquery plugin to show or hide password
How to show or hide password input box content

Many times while entering the password visitors forgot what they have entered and ultimately when they do click on submit button they find in correct login or password as an…

Loda Button: Animated Buttons
How to create animated button with jquery and css3

With the help of jquery and css3 you can create animated buttons for your next web project. The idea is to do not use image instead you can use icon… a fresh new photography community
Create your own photography community with is a fresh new photographer community that facilitates you to create photography portfolio, share and publish your creative photographs over internet. is an open source application and comes…

Simple minimalistic Css 3 multilevel navigation
How to create simple minimalist multilevel navigation in CSS3

Today I am going to share with you a tutorial to create multilevel header navigation bar in CSS3 in a very simple manner. This CSS3 navigation is supported by modern browser…

iOS 7 iPhone UI redesign Download PSD
Download latest iOS 7 iPhone UI psd for free

The new iOS 7 has come out from its Beta and soon Apple will start shipping it to its devices specially iPhone. This time apple has renovated design from sketch,…

Anonymous Internet Browsing
How to surf internet anonymously without any restrictions

We are living in global informatics era where we have given privilege or we do have rights for speech, liberty to read, write, watch, share and publish over internet. But…

Elements Transition Effects
Create element with transition effect with ElementTransitions.js

Jquery offers different kind of effects that you can assign on different html elements when different events occurs like hover, click or double click etc. But it’s hard to discover…

Micromax Canvas 4
Micromax Canvas 4 is launched with price tag of INR 17,999

The India’s giant mobile company Micromax unveiled the much awaited mobile phone model Canvas 4 here in New Delhi, today (dated 8th of July 2013 around 01.00pm) in a special…

Style Gguide Boilerplate
Style Guide Boilerplate let you create your own Bootstrap framework

On w3update I have shared so many responsive frontend and CSS frameworks including some of the best like, twitter bootstrap, Fitgrid, Cardinal, Zurb Foundation, Pure, Fries, Workless, Phonegap etc.…

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