Style Guide Boilerplate let you create your own Bootstrap framework

Style Gguide Boilerplate
Style Gguide Boilerplate

On w3update I have shared so many responsive frontend and CSS frameworks including some of the best like, twitter bootstrap, Fitgrid, Cardinal, Zurb Foundation, Pure, Fries, Workless, Phonegap etc. each frontend framework has its own significant some of them are robust, provide much functionality, cover large amount of frontend components, light weighted, offer easy integration, responsive in nature and well documented.

Style Gguide Boilerplate
Style Gguide Boilerplate

This time I have come up with another frontend framework called Style Guide Boilerplate which not only offer simple and minimalistic frontend components but also let you create your own tiny version of bootstrap.

Yes you can create own your own customized Twitter Bootstrap like frontend framework with your name of choice.

Style Guide Boilerplate is made up of five different parts, each part has a section. These are as:

About Section Fonts Section Colors Section
Base Styles Section Pattern Style Sections  


Learn more about these sections and experience it by checking out its demo or download it directly from its website.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo[/button]

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Download[/button]