Owl Carousel: Free Jquery Carousel Effect
Owl Carousel: Touch enabled jquery responsive carousel slider

Owl Carousel is a latest free jquery plugin that facilitate you to create beautiful carousel scroll slider for your website or web app. Owl Carousel is fully responsive plugin that…

Choosealicense.com by Github
Choose a suitable open source license for your project easily with Choosealicense.com

Recently Github.com has launched a website www.choosealicense.com to just help open source developer to easily choose suitable open source license for their project. There are three types of open source…

UI KIT: A User Interface Components by YooTheme
UIKit: A lightweight open source front end framework by Yootheme

UIKit is yet another front end framework to help designer and developer create awesome user interface for website or web app. It offers faster development UI kit to boost up…

Anchor CMS: Free PHP Opensource CMS
Anchor CMS: Free open source CMS and blogging app

There are plenty of free open source CMSs and blogging apps are available over Internet some of them are most popular are WordPress, Joomla dn Drupal, these cms are very…

SlimMenu: To create responsive navigation
Create multilevel responsive menu with jquery Slimmenu

Some days back I covered up a beautiful tutorial and resource How to create multilevel responsive navigation? and How to create multilevel navigation in CSS3? This time I am come up…

Daux: A project document generator
Daux.io: it’s an easiest way to document your project

Daux.io is a document creator on the basis of folder structure and markdown files on go, its useful to create developers friendly documentation for their project. Daux.io is freely available…

Furatto: UI Framework
Furatto: A ready to launch open source UI framework

Furatto is another frontend framework created over twitter bootstrap to let you create website and web application easily, it serves as a base of web application and website. It is…

Monsta FTP: Free open source web based FTP client
Monsta FTP: Free open source web based FTP client application

In today era cloud computing is emerging as a market leader, we do prefer our data to remain or put on cloud or server so whenever we required to use…

Firechat: A real time chat application
Firechat: Open source client side real time chat application

Firechat is an Open source real time chat application that runs fully on client side without any support of server side code. This application has support of multiple users and…

Photographer.io a fresh new photography community
Create your own photography community with Photographer.io

Photographer.io is a fresh new photographer community that facilitates you to create photography portfolio, share and publish your creative photographs over internet. Photographer.io is an open source application and comes…

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