Daux.io: it’s an easiest way to document your project

Daux: A project document generator
Daux: A project document generator

Daux.io is a document creator on the basis of folder structure and markdown files on go, its useful to create developers friendly documentation for their project.

Daux: A project document  generator
Daux: A project document generator

Daux.io is freely available on Github repository and any Girhub user can fork its repository or download the source.

Some of the notable features of Daux.io are as:

100% Mobile Responsive Supports Github Flavored Markdown
Auto created homepage/landing page Auto Syntax Highlighting
Auto Generated Navigation 4 Built-In Themes or roll your own
Functional, Flat Design Style Shareable/Linkable SEO Friendly URLs
Built On Bootstrap No Build Step
Git/SVN Friendly Google Analytics
Optional code float layout  


[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://daux.io/” target=”blank” ]Demo[/button]

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”https://github.com/justinwalsh/daux.io/archive/master.zip” target=”blank” ]Download Source[/button]

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”https://github.com/justinwalsh/daux.io” target=”blank” ]Fork at Github[/button]