Anchor CMS: Free open source CMS and blogging app

Anchor CMS: Free PHP Opensource CMS
Anchor CMS: Free PHP Opensource CMS

There are plenty of free open source CMSs and blogging apps are available over Internet some of them are most popular are WordPress, Joomla dn Drupal, these cms are very complex and offer wide variety of features and functionality. Apart from also these CMS offer over thousands and ever growing extensions in terms of plugin, module and component etc.

Anchor CMS: Free PHP Opensource CMS
Anchor CMS: Free PHP Opensource CMS

Anchor CMS is a new open source CMS and blogging app that is very simple to operate and have specific features to accomplish things easily. Written in PHP it has follow features:

Mark down happy Teeny-tiny Drag-n-drop
Open-source Works in your language Super-simple theming
Event-bound Painfully easy to install Extensible
Art-directed blogging Forever free Markup made modern

Anchor CMS comes with free open source license that means it will remain free forever it source code is on Github repository so you can do whatever you want with this awesome tiny PHP CMS.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo[/button]

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[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Fork at Github[/button]