Start your own social networking website with these top open source free php platform

Top free opensource website
Top free opensource website

Start your own social networking website with these top open source free php platform

Everyone know facebook, twitter, myspace, google plus, pinterest and linkedin etc. they have millions of traffic on their website. Have you ever imagine that you can also start such kind of community driven website without much investment and effort in fact almost zero investment all you need to pay for hosting and some customization free depend on your exact requirement.

Don’t be surprise they are plenty of open source software are available in market to create social networking website.

Here in this post I am going to share with you the list of open source social networking software that can help you to build facebook and twitter like website.

Top open source software to create social networking website

Dolphin: Dolphin is the most advanced social networking software available today to build community driven website. It comes with plenty of core features and has plenty of extensions in terms of module and plugin to extend its functionality.

Dolhin to create social website
Dolhin to create social website

Some of the notable feature of Dolphin:

Ads Articles Avatars
Blogs Chat Custom RSS
Desktop Events Facebook Connect
Feedback Files Forums
Google Search Groups Memberships
Messenger News Page Access Control
Payments Photos Polls
Profile Customiser Profiler Quotes
Shoutbox Simple Messenger Sites
SMTP Mailer Sounds Spy
Store Timeline & Outline Videos
Whiteboard World Map ZIP Code Search

Dolphin can be used to create wide variety of community and social networking website, from free membership to paid membership social website, from decent general public networking website to adult social networking and dating website.

The list of type of community driven website that you can create with Dolphin 7.1 are

Adult Animals Answers
Art Blogging Business
Celebrities Chatting Classifieds
Contests Dating eCommerce
Education Events Facebook
Games Groups Jobs
Location Music Non-profit
Photography Politics Real Estate

You can create clone of: Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yahoo Answer etc.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: PHP

WordPress Buddypress:

Now a days WordPress is not just a blogging platform rather it is serving as web os platform to its plugin and there are numerous plugins that extend the feature and functionality of WordPress core and Buddypress is one of those open source plugin of WordPress that is freely available for everyone.

Buddypress for WordPress
Buddypress for WordPress

Buddypress is a social networking plugin that is developed over WordPress core framework the objective of this light weighted plugin is to add community driven feature and functionality in your existing WordPress based site or blog.

With Buddypress you can create wide variety of social community based website. Also there are plenty of plugins are available to extend its core functionality.

To install Buddypress first you need to install WordPress also it is recommended that you first purchase or get free available themes of WordPress and Buddypress to let it work smoothly without any hassle.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: WordPress, PHP

Joomla Community Builder

Joomla is another very popular open source CMS, it is not only CMS (content management system) but rather many developer consider it to create not only simple website but they prefer to use it as a base framework to create complex web application.

Community Builder for Joomla
Community Builder for Joomla

Since Joomla is a widely used open source CMS and ever growing php base framework there are thousands of extensions available to serve different need of variety of website.

Its extension are mostly free and comes in three different types plugins, modules and components to serve its different stable version which are Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and Latest Joomla 3.0.

Just like Buddypress for WordPress, Community Builder is used for Joomla to create community based webstie you can say it’s just an alternative of Buddypress for Joomla.

However there are other extension to available for Joomla to create variety of social networking website but Jomsocial is a popular among social networking extension category for Joomla.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: Joomla, PHP


This Php based social networking application has one single aimed and that is to create status based social micro blogging website like twitter.

StatusNet to create Micro Blogging site
StatusNet to create Micro Blogging site

So if you are looking to create twitter like micro blogging website then this is for you.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: PHP


Sharetronix is another micro blogging platform to create micro blogging website like twitter but unlike StatusNet this comes in two formats one is free and other is paid.

Sharetronix to create micro blogging website
Sharetronix to create micro blogging website

The community version of this app with limited features and without dedicated support is free and anybody can download and create own micro blogging website.

Previously I covered an article on Sharetronix to read more about Sharetronix go here.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: PHP


Just like Dolphin Elgg is another php based social networking CMS (Content Management System) that facilitate you to create wide range of social networking website like Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin etc.

Elgg to create community website
Elgg to create community website

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: PHP


It is another php based an open source social networking platform and framework that provides the building blocks for people to connect, express, and communicate.

Anahita a social framework
Anahita a social framework

With the help of this framework you can develop strong and robust social web application and website.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]

Technology: PHP