Get maximum email deliverability with Amazon SES and Sendy at very cheap rate

Sending email newsletters to your subscribers and getting robust deliverability can be very costly with any third party email service providers i.e. Sendgrid, Mandrill and Mailgun etc. Thanks to Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) which reduces the cost of Email sending more than 100x than any other third email service providers. Amazon SES not only reduces the cost but it also can give you maximum sending speed thanks to its cloud based email messaging technology.

Amazon SES is part of Amazon AWS service which allows you to send email newsletter to your subscribers. You can connect your email sending application with Amazon SES via API or by SMTP credentials to send emails.

Amazon SES also process bounce email ids i.e. non-existing email ids and simultaneously it also process spam complaints with selected ESP like Yahoo, Hotmail etc.

While connecting Amazon SES with any email sending applications which support SMTP is very easy but configuring the Amazon SES at its fullest can be very complex job.

To reduce such hurdle and utilizing Amazon SES service at its best Sendy is one of the pioneer application which offers seamless integration with Amazon SES.

Sendy is a self-hosted frontend email sending application which makes it easy to communicate with Amazon SES, It is also very cost effective, you have to pay once USD 50 and it’s all yours.

You can run Sendy on standalone dedicated server, shared or VPS as per your requirement.

With Sendy you can can easily create different sending account, upload lists and send newsletters. You can also see the statistics i.e. Open rate, bounce, complaints etc.

Important thing is note down while Amazon SES charge you very less for email sending it don’t tolerate Spam, if you will do spam they can suspend your Amazon SES any moment,  however Sendy makes life easier while working with Amazon SES, but you don’t use third party database other than double-opt in subscribers lists.

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