Html5please simple way to test html5 and css3 browser compatibility

While coding in modern (cutting edge) client side languages like html5 and css3 web designer and developer faces lots of problem to fit a single web page in different web browser as due to browser compatibility issues. Our website visitors use different kind of web browser and since the browser technologies are different its supporting elements are also vary.

For example this is not possible that if Safari 6.0 is supporting an element called background-image so does Internet Explorer 6.0 also support the same element. is a modern solution to give you depth insight of html5 and css3 uses pertaining to different browser and its version.
You can explore which browser is supporting what kind of css3 and html5 element then accordingly you can enhance and optimize your code.
In a simple layman language it is a browser compatibility checker mainly for languages html5 and css3.
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