The Tile all to locate lost thing
Now find lost thing easily with Tile App

Sometime it was a dream to create such a device that can stick/drop/attach into anything that you think you can lose to track later, but it now has become a…

Maildrop to generate disposable email address
Create never expire disposable email addresses without registration

Ever heard that you can opt free email address that does not require registration, you can create anonymous email address just on go all you need is a unique name to…

Free feedback survey form by Google
Google now offering free website satisfaction survey service to webmasters

Google consumer survey has rolled out a new service for web masters by which any web master can conduct free website satisfaction survey on their respective website for free. Under…

KineticWIng IDE for web development
Code your next web project hassle free with KineticWing IDE

From simple notepad to Adobe Dreamweaver, Java Netbeans, MS Visual Studio and other there are numerous paid and non-paid Interactive development environment (IDE) in today date exist in market for…

Expandable Search Bar
Learn to create expandable search input box

In web every single pixel counts then it’s advisable to utilize your web page space efficiently and in a more productive manner. Today I am going to share a tutorial…

Froont is a browser based responsive web prototype tool
Create responsive web design prototype in web browser

Froont is a latest prototype tool that helps you to create responsive web design layout (mockup/prototype) with its cutting edge tools and techniques. It is so simple to operate, based…

Fitgrid: To serve simple responsive foundation
Fitgrid: Too simple responsive frontend foundation

We have lots of frontend framework like Pure, Cikonss, 99lime, Cardinal, twitter bootstrap, zurb’s foundation and many more but we don’t have something that has simple and specific solution to…

Chart.js to create html5 based chart
HTML5 based chart.js for designers and developers

Visualizing the chart in web app dashboard or in simple website is great medium to turn your simple tabular data into interactive graph. There are numerous chart plugin in market…

Modern model dialog box in CSS3
Learn to create modern window dialog box in CSS3

Before jquery came into light we were using simple javascript methods to open a dialog window to flash certain action or message on web page. Some development years past and…

Collage Plus to fit images within container
Collageplus a jquery plugin to fit images within a container

If you will access website, on home page you can see all the updates that resides automatically with images and a brief article in a grid based layout pattern.…

Launch login modal Launch register modal