Workless, a clean & classy HTML5, CSS3 framework

workless html5 and css3 framework

This is awesome clean and classy framework to kickstart your html5 and css3 based web project. It comes with different type of premade web elements like layouts, Typography, Forms, Table, Button, Icons and Plugins to help you easily start working on new project.

Different types of Workless Elements:

  1. Scaffold: Scaffolding simply refers to preset classes that help you to create various layouts
  2. Form: The forms CSS sets all the base defaults. Add some of the built-in helper classes and great forms become awesome forms!
  3. Tables: Tables made easy. Just drop in the CSS and you’re done. No messing, no fuss.
  4. Buttons: Big buttons, small buttons, flat buttons, round buttons… We’ve got everything to hmmmmm, push your button!
  5. Typography: Font stacks, sizes, line heights, margins, spacing and more…we’ve got you covered!
  6. Helpers: The built-in helper classes are great, sizing, alignment, highlights, backgrounds and more. Just add the class and away you go.
  7. Plugins: Workless comes packed with some pretty awesome jQuery plugins for creating modals, tooltips, text formatting and more!

[button color=”red” link=””]Demo/Download[/button]