PACE: An automatic web page load progress bar javascript plugin

PACE: An automatic web page load progress bar javascript plugin
PACE: An automatic web page load progress bar javascript plugin

Pace is a javascript plugin which show the progress of a web page loading. It is a an independent javascript plugin, which does not require any javascript framework to work with.

Pace is a free and open source javascript plugin which is hosted on Github and anyone can easily download or fork its repository.

PACE: An automatic web page load progress bar javascript plugin
PACE: An automatic web page load progress bar javascript plugin

Pace has variety of page load effect themes i.e. Minimal, flash, Barber shop, Mac Ox, Fill left, Flat top, Big counter, Corner Indicator and Bounce, apart from these themes you can create your own custom themes as well.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Demo/Download[/button]