OpenScholar an Open Source apps for Academic Scholars


OpenScholar is Open source free software built over Open Source powerful content management system Drupal which aims to provide complete full featured solution to the scholars.

With the help of OpenScholar one can easily create scholar or project website in fraction of the seconds.

No Need to Code: OpenScholar gives ample facility to run and maintain an academic scholars website with awesome usability. In three simple steps you can install your website and make it publish.

With a single installation you can create up to thousands websites.

Cost Effective: If you are going to develop or create a competitive website for scholar or academic personal it is potentially costly. OpenScholar is freely available and anyone can download and install it.

Features of OpenScholar:

  1. Rich Html Text Editor
  2. OpenSource Free Available
  3. Add new content on single click i.e. Class, Events, Links, Page, Software, Blog and Biography Etc.
  4. Sophisticated Admin Panel
  5. Choose elegant visual themes available for website
  6. Theme Customization
  7. Drag and Drop Features
  8. Dynamic Automatic Flow Information
  9. Even More..

Below is the showcase video of OpenSholar Free Software

Scholars Web Sites Project Overview from IQSS on Vimeo.

[button color=”red” link=””]Demo[/button]

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