Free Wall: A free jquery plugin for responsive dynamic grid layout like

Free Wall is a free jquery plugin which allows you to create responsive dynamic grid layout like
With the help of Free Wall jquery plugin you can create variety of news feed (articles) layout i.e. Images grid/layout, Pinterest like grid/layout, Vertical grid/layout, Nested grid etc. It works on the top of Jquery framework and offers you a no gap dynamic grid layout that can be fit in variety of display devices i.e. Mobile, Tablet, Desktop, Laptop etc.
Free Wall is light weighted jquery plugin which comes in a single file called freewall.js, it is easy to integrate and offer pretty much customization features.
Some of the cool features of Free Wall are as:
Responsive grid | Css3 Animation |
Cross browser | Metro style |
Nested grid | Fit container |
Images grid/layout | Vertical grid/layout |
Horizontal grid/layout | Pinterest like grid/layout |