Discourse: An open source discussion application


Based on ruby on rail discourse is an open source application that facilitates you to easily build and deployed a discussion web site like twitter etc.

There are number of php based open source application discussion and debate application some of the notable micro blogging applications are: sharetronix.com and status.net

Features of Discourse:

  1. Conversations, not pages
  2. Get notifications when mentioned
  3. Simple, but with context
  4. Remembers your place
  5. Reply while you read
  6. Reply as a linked topic
  7. Real time updates
  8. Links automatically expand
  9. Bring your friends
  10. Paste to share images
  11. Log in with … anything
  12. Moderation that scales with the community
  13. Categories that grow with you
  14. Search that actually works
  15. Simple metrics
  16. Your stuff belongs to you
  17. Comprehensive API
  18. No app required
  19. Many more..

Go to [button color=”red” link=”http://www.discourse.org”]discourse.org[/button] to find out more
