Crowdhoster: A free and open source crowd funding solution

Crowdhoster is a free and open source crowd funding platform developed in ruby on rails with Postgres.
There are crowd funding platform like Kickstarter and IndieGogo etc. but none are free but Crowdhoster is a free and open source crowd funding platform developed by Crowdtilt, which allows anyone to create and host crowd funding page without any cost and without sharing of collected amounts.
Crowdhoster offers an open source web solution to crowd funders what WordPress does to bloggers, in case of WordPress you can host a blog on and also can start or host web blog on your server as well from its source code that you can easily get on similarly in case of CrowdHoster a crowd funder can create a project on as well as can download its source to start own crowd funding website as well.
There are two ways to create your own crowd funding page either you can go for hosted solution like you can sign up for a project on or you can download crowdhoster source from its Github repository to start your own like website.
With Crowdhoster you can perform and manage all kind of online fun raising activities i.e. Can start new project with targeted amount, can offers rewards or perks, can manage FAQs section on main page, can directly credit the whole amount to your account without sharing. Can manage backers, Can promote page on Social Media and do lots of thing all with CrowdHoster without paying any cost to have it. has also started a marketplace where you can find premium themes and addon s for your crowd funding page.
CrowdHoster is highly customizable platform and it comes with open source MIT license which allows you to customize CrowdHoster the way you want.