Alpacs: A jquery plugin to build easy forms using JSON Schema
Alpaca.js is a free and open source jquery plugin to create forms on the fly using JSON Schema. It works over the top of jquery framework, and support both mobile and PC simultaneously.
Using Alpaca.js you can create simple to complex forms easily with intuitive design. It has inbuilt form markups (html) so you don’t need to write any markups, you have to just specify form fields and other required form information i.e. Label name, field type, validation message etc. in simple JSON schema that will go inside a jquery function, To create form instantly you need to just call that function with the help of ‘DIV’ markup, once you called the function, your Form is created and ready to be use.
Alpacs.js go great with frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap, Jquery, Jquery Mobile and Jquery UI etc., and also it is supported by all modern browser like IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc.