99lime.com HTML KickStart Solutions for Web Developer and Designer

99lime.com html kickstart

99lime.com is a wonderful tool to start any HTML, CSS and Jquery based web project. It offers you sophisticated sets of elements that save your almost 10 hours while working on a new web project.

Set of Elements Includes

Ultra–lean HTML jQuery Zero Setup
HTML5 Slideshow Image Styles
CSS3 Buttons Forms Typography
Breadcrumbs Galleries LightBox
Lists Menus Iconic Icons
Tables Code Grids/Columns
Layouts Info Boxes Even More…


What is HTML KickStart?

HTML KickStart is an ultra–lean set of HTML5, CSS, and jQuery (javascript) files, layouts, and elements designed to give you a headstart and save you 10’s of hours on your next web project.

[button color=”red” link=”http://www.99lime.com/elements/”]Demo[/button]             [social-locker locker_id=”19e250e8b5bcb2674″ theme=”blue” message=”Share this page to unlock downloading link” facebook=”true” likeurl=”CURRENT” google=”true” googleurl=”CURRENT” tweet=”true” tweettext=”” tweeturl=”CURRENT” follow=”true” linkedin=”false”][button color=”orange” link=”http://www.99lime.com/downloads/”]Download[/button][/social-locker]