WebFonter: Try thousands of web fonts live in your website

Webfonter by Fontshop.com: To see real-time preview of fonts on web page
Webfonter by Fontshop.com: To see real-time preview of fonts on web page

WebFonter is a new free web tool developed by fontshop.com which offers you to test any web fonts from fontshop.com on your website. With the help of this awesome utility, you can test out thousands of webfonts from fontshop.com on a single click. Choosing the right fonts for your project or improving the typography of the webpage is now hassle free, webfonter gives you a real-time fonts chooser tool that can save your a lot of time while deciding the correct fonts for your web projects.

You can start working with WebFonter in three different ways i.e. as a web browser extension (available for chrome only), as a bookmarker or through WebFonter launcher in any of the ways you have to just pass url of the web project (for which you want to test fonts) to WebFonter and it will give you list of current fonts used in respective webpage, then from font-family drop downs you can start choosing right fonts for the relevant html elements i.e. Headings, paragraphs etc. all in real time.

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