Stackedit: A full featured real time content editor and publisher

Stackedit is a free content editing and publishing web app
Stackedit is a free content editing and publishing web app

Stackedit is an open source free independent real time WYSIWYG web content editor and publisher.It completely run in web browser and use your browser cache to store documents data. Stackedit content editing window is divided into two parts, in left portion of it you can type your actual content and on right side panel of it you can view the typed content instantly.

Stackedit is a free content editing and publishing web app
Stackedit is a free content editing and publishing web app

While writing content or editing the content you can use text toolbox functionality i.e. Bold, Italics, Underline, Hyperlink etc.

Once you done with writing you can either save the doc in your local computer or can store on your Dropbox and Google drive account, also you can sync your docs with your storage devices too.

With Stackedit you can manage your document instantly, you can create a new document, edit and publish very easily and instantly.

When it comes to publish the content you can instantly publish your content on variety of online content publishing platform i.e. Blogger, Dropbox, Gist, Githu, Google Drive, SSH server, Tumblr and WordPress etc.

Stackedit is freely hosted on github repository and anyone can download its source code or can contribute to its repository.

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