Turn your web page images in album with Albumize jquery plugin

Albumize: to create to turn your images in beautiful album
Albumize: to create to turn your images in beautiful album

Albumize is a free and open source jquery plugin which offer you to create album with the collection of images.

Albumize: to create to turn your images in beautiful album
Albumize: to create to turn your images in beautiful album

Albumize open your album in a beautiful lightbox popup, in this box the active image comes with full view and rest( inactive) images automatically gets arranged its left size so that you can easily navigate through the images also to navigate the image it offers set of buttons i.e. previous and next.

Albumize works over latest jquery framework and comes with two set of files one is albumize.js and another is albumize.css, these both files can be customize and you can create a custom look and feel for your album.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://palerdot.github.io/albumize/” target=”blank” ]Demo / Download[/button]