How to test your web page speed?


In recent time Google has implemented the web page speed factor to rank any web page. In search algorithm google gives weightage to page which is faster in loading into web browser.


There are many factors that enhance the page load time speed. But what is the authentic medium to test your web page speed? The answer is Google Page Speed Insight. Available at [button link=”” size=”medium” target=”_blank”]Google Page Speed Insight[/button]
This is highly sophisticated tool currently available in Internet to check out web page speed.

Once you enter the web page url and click on the Analyze button it will show you the rank of your page in terms of fast loading.

Google Page Speed Insight not only gives you a numeric score out of 100 but also it let you know the improvement factors that you can implement to boost up your web page speed for better score that eventually lead higher search engine ranking.

It summarizes your report in following points:

 Higher Priority, Medium Priority, Low Priority these all are the improvements factors that suggests you to fix the issue if any found in your page to boost up your web page speed.