Groove : The ultimate online self-hosted ticket and live support system.

Hi, Everyone I recently discovered an awesome web application that’s facilitate you to open an awesome ticket and live chat based support system with ton of features.

An overview of Groove

In a short The Groove is the easy, fast and hassle-free customer support sulution.

This recently web2.0 application is going to give challenge to existing support suite web based system like Koyako Support Suite.

Now the online support system competition is getting tougher and tougher now.

To explore this awesome app please go here http://www.

Help Desk Features Live Chat Features
Invite Your Coworkers Create a Canned Reply
Create a Mail Box Setup Proactive Chat
Install your Help Widget Download the Native Application
Connect your Twitter and Facebook Accounts Customize the Widget
Create a Canned Reply Enable Chat Notifications
Customize Your Fulders Enable Facebook Connect
Create a Rule  
Write a Knowledge Base Article  
Customize your Help Center