Yootheme released open source front-end framework UIkit 2.0

UIkit 2.0, the modular, lightweight and open source front-end framework created by Yootheme has been released with improvements and addon features. The newly incorporated addon offers further extra functionalities to extend the core of UIkit i.e. Markdown editor, sortable lists, datepicker, timepicker and more. Enjoy the Markdown editor which lets you write your markup with a realtime preview. The editor also supports syntax highlighting, an extendable toolbar and a full-screen mode.
Over the last months the YOOtheme team has been working on Uikit 2.0. The entire UIkit repository is completely overhauled, the LESS variables got simplified, new
components are added and a lot of bugs are squashed.
There is a comprehensive documentation on getuikit.com which shows you how to use all new add-ons and gets you started. UIkit is MIT licensed and hosted on GitHub to download and fork its repository for contributions.