WordPress: The best CMS (content management system) out of the rest

Wordpress: The best CMS (content management system) out of the rest
Wordpress: The best CMS (content management system) out of the rest

In today date building a web site or blog is pretty easy and one can have a website/blog in just five minute if domain and hosting are ready, it’s all possible because of the easy availability of free and open source content management system. A CMS (content management system) is web application which manage your entire website content be it text, images and videos etc.

Top most popular CMS like Joomla, WordPress and Drupal are free and open source. Particular if we talk about WordPress it was just a blogging platform initially when it launched but now it is more than just a blogging platform it is now a complete CMS even more than that I would rather call it a web OS (operating system) due to its vast functionalities and features.

Advantage of WordPress over other counterpart CMS (Content Management Systems):-

There are many quality significant features of WordPress over other most popular counterpart CMS but some of the most significant characteristics in a simple user perspective are as:

  1. Easy to install: Unlike other CMS you will love to work on WordPress because in just two steps after filling required parameters it gets installed, prior you go for installation you should have database connectivity parameters ready i.e. database username, password and host name etc.
  2. User Friendly: WordPress user interface is quite impressing and any user from novice to expert can easily use it without any hassle.
  3. Ajax Driven CMS: WordPress has inbuilt Ajax features which partially update the portion of the web page or function  i.e. via WordPress dashboard, in post section through list view you can change the status of a post from published to draft without reloading the entire web page.
  4. Lightweight in Size: WordPress is light weight in size as it comes in almost 3.8mb zip file which can be easy download from its corporate website WordPress.org on a basic internet connectivity as well.
  5. Responsive CMS: WordPress is a fully responsive web CMS which easily go well in variety of display devices.
  6. Mobile Apps: WordPress app is available for variety of mobile platforms i.e. Apple Iphone, Ipad, Android smartphones, Blacberry OS, HP web OS. Once you have installed the official WordPress mobile app in your smartphone you can manage your WordPress website from your mobile only i.e. managing post, composing new post, moderating new comment etc.
  7. Free plugins and free themes repository: WordPress has thousands of free ready to install plugins for different uses and purposes, you can install them easily from its dashboard.
  8. From simple to complex: WordPress can be used in almost all kind of website need, from simple corporate website to complex website like building ERP, HRM, Ecommerce, News Portals, to all kind of websites WordPress can serve as a best web CMS.
  9. Easy but vast APIs: In developer perspective WordPress has very easy APIs which can be used to developed simple to complex plugins and themes.
  10. Ever updating: At last but not the least WordPress has a strong core team and vast amount volunteers all across the world who supports WordPress to make it always strong, stable, advance and most importantly ever updating web CMS.