This is one of the perfect WordPress theme for Lawyer and law associates. “The Law” has 8 types of homepage which covers wide variety of homepage showcase from simple one page home page to complex multi page it is designed to give you real feel of law profession.
Included Plugins: The Law – Lawyer Legal Attorney Responsive WP Theme is built with some of the most advance and popular WordPress plugins like Visual Composer for easy drag and drop page building, WPML for multi lingual compatibility, Woocommerce for ecommerce also included 7 awesome WP sliders i.e. Revolution Slider, Flex Slider, Nivo Slider, Kwicks Slider, 3D Slider, Lite Accordion Slider, Roundabout Slider, it has included around $50 WordPress plugins.

The theme also have an inbuilt maintenance page option which can be either use for maintenance or website launch.
Suitable For
TheLaw theme is very nice for advocate, attorney, business, consult, consultant, consulting, corporate, justice, law, lawyer, lawyers, legal, government, political,bar association, legal adviser, legal office, legist, solicitor, barrister, barrister at law, consultancy, counsel, finance, juris consult, justice, consultancy, non-profit, organization, polotics, votes, politician, polling, Presidential vote websites.