Start your B2B eCommerce with Wholesale Suite

Wholesalesuite Review


Wholesale Suite is a Woocommerce extension that offers robust features to start selling your product at wholesale prices to your wholesale customer or B2B (Business to Business) customers.

The Problem – Woocommerce is made for B2C Customer

When it comes to start an e-commerce store probably Woocommerce is one of the leading solution on top of WordPress eco system which offer plethora of plugins and extensions to fit for different requirements.

While Woocommerce is really self-sufficient to build and start your e-commerce store for end customers it lacks the required features to start an eCommerce store for wholesale customers who wanna buy in bulk and wanna avail wholesale price while ordering the products.

Getting the right plugin is the key

The key of success in WordPress cum Woocommerce eco-system is to get right plugin to suite your needs and here the Wholesale Suite comes with a sole purpose to solve your B2B business selling problem.

Wholesale Suite the Bundle

The Wholesale Suite plugin offer the bundle of three plugins which are as

  • Wholesale Prices – Offer wide variety of features to setup wholesale pricing for your products.
  • Wholesale Order Form – Featured rich order form to easily take order in bulk.
  • Wholesale Lead Capture – Easily take onboard your wholesale customer.

Notable Features of Wholesale Suite

Woocommerce extension

Wholesale Suite is a Woocommerce extension it simply extend the features of an existing Woocommerce to offer wholesale price of existing product catalog which originally where meant for B2C or retail customer only.

Wholesale Users Role

You probably don’t want your every user or customer to be your wholesale customer, right? so here Wholesale Suite does offer a specific user role for Wholesale customer so only selected/approved few can place the order.

Premium WordPress Plugin

Wholesale Suite is a premium plugin unlike any other free or paid plugin it offers you advanced features to run successfully B2B e-commerce store on top of B2C store.

Wholesale Order Form

It offers you a featured rich wholesale order form which is very user friendly and your wholesale customer will find it very useful while placing the order for variety of products on single page.

Qualify to avail wholesale price

You probably don’t wanna offer a single product at the wholesale price so here Wholesale Suite pricing comes to your aid you can set minimum order quantity. So your B2B customer can avail wholesale price only when they will order the minimum quantity for that product.

Manage Tax and Shipping

You can set appropriate tax rules for wholesale products as well as their shipments.

Product visibility

Just like you have a different customer role for wholesale and retail customer base you can also set the product visibility either for retail or wholesale customer base.

Seamless Integrations

Wholesale Suite plugin goes easily with other top and appropriate Woocommerce plugins so you can leverage on to other suitable WordPress/Woocommerce plugins or extensions for your store while using Wholesale Suite.

Affordable pricing

Wholesale Suite offer the bundle plugin at a very affordable price.

Check out the Wholesale Suite Pricing

Plenty of more features

You can find more features in depth on Wholesale Suite website.


Wholesale Suite is a wholesome package to start your own B2B alongside B2C e-commerce store. I would recommend you to go for this premium plugin with Wholesale Suite plugin you can convert your existing Woocommerce online retail store to Wholesale store.