Smart Hospital : Hospital Management System

Based on PHP Codeigniter Smart Hospital Management System offers you wide range of features and flexibility to manage your clinic or hospital. The Hospital Management System is equipped with many useful modules which can manage many work of a hospital.
It has different access level like Doctor, Accountant, Receptionist, Pharmacist, Pathologist, Radiologist, Patient login and in last Admin and Super Admin. Different access level defined different role under which one can access to designated module within the Smart Hospital Management System. Of course Super Admin has global access to all the modules which makes entire system as whole.
Features of Smart Hospital Management System
- State of the Art IPD (In patient department) Module.
- Most Powerful Hospital Charges Module.
- Most Flexible Bed, Ward, Floor Creation Module.
- Most efficient OPD (Out Patient Department) with one click revisit.
- Multi way appointment system, make appointment from online website or offline.
- One Click check all bed status visually.
- Intuitive pharmacy module with stock management.
- Manage all Pathology, Radiology test reports in downloadable formats.
- Manage major or minor operations and operational details.
- Manage blood bank status, blood issue and donor details.
- TPA – Third party administrator or Insurance organization and charges.
- Manage ambulance and ambulance calls details.
- Staff complete payroll, attendance and leaves.
- Manage hospital assets using powerful inventory module.
- Build hospital website with appointment facility using powerful front CMS feature
- Different themes for front website and admin panel.
- Front office module for managing appointment, visitors, postals, phone calls and complaints.
- Online payment system patient/guardian to pay IPD bills.
- Powerful patient search in different modules.
- Manage your calendar and task to do list.
- Messaging to staff and patient through email/sms.
- Automated notification messages for patient or staff using email/sms.
- Patient panel to manage their appointments and OPD/IPD.
- Download center for staff members to upload/download various documents.
- 17 detailed business intelligence reports for 360 degree view of your hospital.
- Inbuilt payment gateways for easy payment.
- Manage roll based permission to different module.
- Database backup/restore or automated database backup.
- 4 inbuilt SMS gateways and custom SMS gateway integration support
- Enable/Disable various module.
Hospital Management System great features to manage your entire hospital you can buy this awesome PHP application at $35 (regular license ) on Codecanyon.