Shopify Jamstack Ecommerce development

Jamstack website leads the way for a fast and secure user-friendly website powered by robust modern javascript frameworks like Reactjs, Vue and Angular.
Just like Jamstack website which is merely serve the static version web pages while getting the backend data from decoupled source either by API or by Graphql, CSV or any other supported data source.
Jamstack eCommerce decoupled the backend and frontend. The frontend can be hosted on serverless environment or can be hosted as a static website.
Picksy the Jamstack Ecommerce
Jamstack eCommerce is still new in web development and you will find very few production-ready websites or web stores.
On the Envato marketplace, I found Picksy a very useful Jamstack eCommerce template which you can use to kick start your much-awaited production-ready Gatsbyjs powered Jamstack eCommerce web store.
Picksy Jamstack Ecommerce template is suitable for Grocery and Vegetable Shop use cases.
Technological Stack
Picksy uses Gatsbyjs (a popular Reactjs framework to develop fast frontend static websites) to generate Jamstack e-commerce website which can be hosted on Netlify or any other serverless platform.
Under the hood, It uses Shopify for product and order management via its storefront API, Prismic headless CMS (Content Management System) for managing the static website content, and of course Gatsbyjs to build Jamstack ready storefront.
Jamstack Ecommerce is cost effective
The basic shopify cost you $29 around INR 2,200/- per month while the lowest plan which allow the uses of Storefront just cost you $9 a roughly around INR 600/- per month which is quite less compare to basic plan.
Jamstack is Fast and Secure
The Jamstack ready eCommerce storefront is very fast compared to Shopify’s theme.
Highly Scalable
While Jamstack ready websites or stores remain secure and fast they can also be highly scalable to handle larger traffic at peak time without spending too much and also without compromising the speed of the website.
Checkout Demo and Buy Picksy
Jamstack web development with WebAnaya
We at WebAnaya offer the best possible modern web solutions to our client to solve their problems. If you looking to build your next Jamstack website or store contact us.