Nexus 4 a smart phone, a smart buy?

In case you are out to make a smart phone purchase, then this is one discussion which can help you save a decent amount. Yes!! You read it right; by just going through this article you can save upto $100.

According to what we have come to know, Google has recently slashed its nexus 4 smartphone prices by $100. Although we all know there would be hardly any changes in the sale ratio, but still adding any extra numbers would help in all the good manners. By slashing down the prices, Google has enabled you to opt for an 8 GB version in $199 and 16 GB version in $249, that too without a contract.
There is no doubt to the fact that even before the release, this handset was very much on the wish list of smart phone buyers. By providing a lucrative lower price and availability of unlocked device would only add to the good news for smart phone buyers. Overall a well-built smart phone with the latest android operating system and slashed price makes it a deal one should definitely think about.
But then as we all know no product in the market is available with only advantages. As no matter how hard one try disadvantages come along. Same has been the case with these devices as well. In fact according to few experts nexus 4 is missing one major feature at large, which is 4G LTE access. Although at present, this feature is available in few areas only. But as we all know technology and infrastructure is ever evolving, this feature’s unavailability might become a major drawback. And not to forget all its major competitors are well provided with this feature in them, so one might want to think again before opting.
According to few sources the major reason for this slash in price, can be attributed to the new models from the house of Google which are soon to be launched in the market probably Google nexus 5. But then all these talks have yet not been confirmed by Google. Hence till then, all we can do is waiting for the final words from the house and enjoy our new purchase.