Most popular free WordPress plugins

Free and most popular WordPress plugins, which offers a wide range of useful features and functionality to keep your WordPress intact. Today I am going to share with you the most popular free WordPress plugins.
Contact Form 7 – This is almost a mandatory plugin which require by almost every WordPress user, this free plugin give you pretty good options to create easier web forms specially contact form.
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Wordfence Security: WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging CMS and even more than just blogging CMS it has ever-growing thousands free plugins and themes which offers its users wide range of possible customization, due to its popularity WordPress security remain always a concern for its users, so here come Wordfence Security which is a free security plugin and offers versatile security features to keep you site safe and secure.
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Akismet: Your website content is the king of your WordPress website to get a backlinks from it there are many robot apps which automatically fill out your article comment box, to get spam free comment against your article it is required you to install Akismet plugin which is very useful in tackling spammy comments.
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All in One SEO Pack: If you want to get higher website ranks you need to optimize your website for search engine, to do that All in One SEO Pack is a very useful plugin which comes free and offers plenty of search engine optimization features.
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Jetpack by Initially it was limited to blogger only but later on it was made available for users as well as an independent free plugins, Jetpack offers you a great insight of your WordPress website i.e. Traffic, SEO Keywords, Social Sharing, Email Subscription etc.
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Woocommerce – excelling Ecommerce: Woocommerce an ecommerce plugin is a revolutionary plugin available free in WordPress plugin repository it has seems the perception of many people who were earlier thinking that WordPress open source framework is limited to only blogging but Woocommece plugin has approved that you can do a lot in WordPress from simple corporate website to a complex ecommerce web store. Woocommerce offers wide range of ecommerce features to run a successful ecommerce website, it is a very good alternative of some of the leading independent open source free independent ecommerce cart like Magento, Opencart, Prestoshop etc.
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Google XLM Sitemaps: Sitemap is the base of how search engines robots curate your website content to generate an easy sitemap for Google it is a very useful plugin.
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WordPress Importer: You got a previous up and running blog or your blog is hosted on other platforms like Tumblr, Blogger or anywhere else you can easily import your website content to your WordPress website with WordPress importer.
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1 comment on "Most popular free WordPress plugins"
michael amaral
Great Collection of plugins here. Looks Awesome
I would like to share one plugin for Security which is User Blocker WordPress plugins.
This security plugin provides the ability to block or unblock user accounts quickly and effortlessly.
It has various features such as block user, unblock user, counter, role based block user etc.