Monitor your website uptime with uptime robots for free

Imaging a situation when your web server is down and your website is not publically accessible and you don’t have any idea for the same, this is one of the embarrassing situations that a website owner faces. Website downtime is just sucks our blood. Your web hosting service partner is not going to tell anything about it because it’s your website and it’s your accountability to ensure your website is running fine.

If your website is down then your website visitor will face unnecessary trouble and soon they will close the browser and will Google to find the alternative website. If you will not promptly act then eventually you will lose your website visitor and also this will decrease your search engine ranking too.
To help you out, send you alert and measure your server uptime there are many website monitor service providers that give promptly real time alert via email or sms when your server goes down but mostly they charge you for the same.
Uptime Robot is a free website monitoring service that offers you free email alert each time when your server goes down so you don’t need to pay any money.
With you can add up to 50 websites. Can get alerts by e-mail, SMS, Twitter, RSS or push notifications for iPhone/iPad.
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