Hi-Tech Advanced Samsung Galaxy Watches

As people are getting tight professional schedule and high rising technology has made the things simple. There are several modern and sleek designed laptops that you can go with and make presentation. It is of necessity that every accessory that one has must be equipped with technology to cope up with the fast paced life scenario.
In this foray, Samsung has stepped forward and launched the Galaxy gear, Galaxy Note 10.1 and Galaxy Note 3 which is going to available in several countries round the globe by September 25. However, the Samsung Galaxy Gear is the most intriguing out of these devices. It is one of the most advanced Samsung Galaxy watches.

It is actually the Android based device and its size near about the old calculator that you have ever used. It has its own applications and its applications have been developed by Samsung itself or other third part authorized partners only. It has the feature to click the photograph with help of camera available on the wristband. This Galaxy gear has also been equipped with the pedometer which helps to track the activity who wears it.
The special feature that this device has is that it is paired with other devices launched by Samsung and it can be the Phones, Tablets, and Notes. It is just the equivalent to the Bluetooth headset, but suitable for those who communicate with help of text and images.
It is also believed as the alternative user interface to the paired tablet and phone. It delivers text messages, news alerts, notifications, place calls and dial phone numbers, but when it is paired with your phone and it needs to connect to the wireless phone network.
It has the feature to be coupled with the microphone for voice memos and you can record up to the five-minute limit at one time. The mastermind behind the development of this technology enabled gadget believes that there is nothing to give a name to the device but it needs to create innovative experience when someone uses it.
This advanced watch developed and launched by Samsung has the wristband available in six different colors. It has the 320-by-320 picture resolution capability along with the Super AMOLED display. The Galaxy Gear is equipped with 800-megahertz processor, 4 gigabytes onboard storage, and 512 megabytes RAM.
The power, Bluetooth, and sensors are also equipped with it at competitive price range. It has the power packed lithium-ion battery and it is going to last for about a day. The Galaxy gear is equipped with the stainless steel, and it is extremely light to wear and fairly heavy as well. It is provided with the sleep and wake button and watch power gets down when not in use that makes it to last long.
The smart interactive features enabled into it and with this, by just getting swipe upwards, it tends to activate camera and swiping down, it show time, news headlines, and weather. When you swipe it left or right, it helps to scroll the contacts, apps, music, notifications, and voice memos.