Google play introduces books in India

google play book

Yesterday google play store has introduced book store to Indian people, through this one can easily purchase book and can read in different devices i.e. mobile, tablet, desktop and laptop.

Through google store one can download ebooks from a collection of 4 million titles. The google play store simultaneous made live in web version as well as mobile versions. To browse the google books from its play sore you can install google book apps from google app store for android and ios platform.

google play book

All books are stored in cloud to read these book you need internet connectivity.

How to read google books?

Google play book store support wide range of formatting to let you read your favorite book in google play book store i.e. PDF, epub of Adobe, computer bowser and handheld devices.

The google book apps is so sophistically designed and developed that you will love reading books. Its interface is quite nice and its inbuilt functionality to remember your last chapter while reading is awesome. The best part of the apps is that you can browse downloaded books offline if you don’t have internet connectivity.

Books are available in both versions, in paid as well as free, so you don’t need to pay to test this highly awaited service from

However in google play apps and books have been enabled for Indian users but it will be interesting t see when google introduce music and movies via [button color=”red” link=””][/button]