Get free weather data and forecast with the help of Openweathermap API
It’s no more cumbersome task to get the latest weather report on your website, with the help of Openweathermap API you can get the latest weather data and forecast for free.
Inspired by Openstreetmap and Wikipedia that makes information free the startup opensource company is taking data from global meterological broadcast services and more than 40 000 weather stations and giving away for free to its users.
With the help of it’s API (Application Programming Interface) one can develop weather widget for blog, website, web app and mobile apps.
Openweathermap API can be integrated into web development project as well as mobile application too. Its API is simple has many aspects to customize the look and feel and provide variety of weather data in different format i.e. Fahrenheit and Celsius.
The organization is aiming to develop free plugin to some of the most popular opensource CMS like drupal, Joomla and wordpress as well.
The organization is also inviting web developers across the globe to work on their project.
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1 comment on "Get free weather data and forecast with the help of Openweathermap API"
-Great initiative as OpenStreetMap