Free WordPress plugin to use Google web fonts

Wordpress Google web fonts plugin
Wordpress Google web fonts plugin

Today in web, Typography is the key element to enhance the readability and design of a webpage. In an effort to improve the typography of the web page and make available free web fonts, Google web fonts provide you free collection of web fonts that can be used in your web page as an external font, anyone can select a font from over 600 (growing) web fonts and can enclose it on web page.

Wordpress Google web fonts plugin
WordPress Google web fonts plugin

There are number of ways to integrate a google web font on your webpage. All you need to do it just select a font and paste the generated external font link on your web page header before closing of </head> element, once external font link successfully inserted you can now use the same font and its attribute in your stylesheet (CSS file) or under <style> tag.

Recently the renowned WordPress blogging CMS founds its first stable google web fonts plugin that can fetch all latest web fonts from google web fonts and you can use it on your webpage. The plugin is created by Eric Alli who is a a San Francisco based Web Designer, Developer, Musician, and Motion Graphics Designer.

It’s very easy plugin just install it and select the web font for page title, sub title and body text etc. to turn up typography of your WordPress site or blog.

This plugin is sophistically written with the help of wordpress APIs and freely available on wordpress plugin repository for download.

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