Free Joomla 1.5/2.5/3.0 Templates from JoomShaper

If you want to start a Joomla based web site then Joomla template is always great way to start with the modern Joomla templates let you plenty of options to customize your joomla website in easy way and also hassle free from designing and typography issues.
Most of the Joomla templates come with demo or sample data for quick start purpose, since initially most of the Joomla templates are not free and you have to pay price for that.
To get rid out of early paying for Joomla template, Joomshaper is one of the leading Joomla templates and WordPress themes both creator and seller, right now it is offering you good looking equipped with latest technology modern Joomla templates. Have a look to those templates and download and enjoy.
Shaper Zaara – Free Joomla 2.5 Template
Looking for a simple yet elegant free joomla template that is a standard layout or design? Our new joomla template Shaper Zaara is the perfect answer for you. Zaara creates a specific look and feel with lots of features and flexibility. The template style is not fixed for any specific sector, it can be used for portfolio, showcase, blog, business and many other website styles. Zaara is built on Helix Framework and arrives with a predefined suffix class or module class suffix and six preset styles in color. It has built-in 68+ collapsible module positions where you can store all your modules. It is easy to customize and can be used for many modern designs. We included the override layout of our Free Slider SP1 module as the main slide of the homepage, the place that visitor will see or read when visiting your site.
It is fast loading and compatible IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc. It is RTL & LTR language supported. You can find some long-established features like Google Analytics, mega drop down or drop line menu here. So no more searching, Zaara is here at JoomShaper for your choice
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Shaper Plus – Multipurpose free Joomla Template
It doesn’t mean that a free joomla template template has to be ordinary. You won’t believe that our Shaper Plus is a free joomla template but the quality of this template is like premium template.
If you are looking for premium quality free joomla template for developing site like blog, portal, portfolio, personal or creative showcase then Shaper Plus is the right one for you. Very fast loading and the unique layout is the key features of this template.
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Shaper Helix -II Joomla Templates Framework
JoomShaper is proud to release the Shaper Helix – II template. This is the first template with JoomShaper’s Helix framework version 2. It is released under GNU/GPL license and is free to download.
Shaper Helix – II comes with neat and clean professional designs with complete set of features at par with our commercial templates. This is first free template certainly in Joomla world that comes with lots of shortcode such to create video, gallery, slideshow, tabs, accordion etc. without install any module.
Helix – II is fully bootstap powerd, responsive and comes with great Layout builder of Helix Framework.
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Shaper Simplicity – II – Free Joomla Business Template
We are very happy to announce that finally we’ve released much awaited free joomla template, Shaper Simplicity – II. This is the best free template for joomla that allows you to develop almost any types of website like business, portfolio, personal, showcase, portal, educational and many more.
We’ve included a brand new free content slider within this template named Free Silder SP1. Three preset styles, simple image gallery module, 12 Grid layout, custom error and offline page and RTL language supports are also present. So, what are you waiting for? Free download your copy of Simplicity – II template right now.
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Shaper Helix – Joomla Templates Framework
The latest release of Helix Framework has brought with it the ultimate website developing experience for you. Just pile up the load of works onto the shoulder of Helix Framework, designed and developed by JoomShaper, to have an experience of creating website smoother and better. It is designed to give you flexibility and reduce time through many customized settings. Superfast loading, customized layout design, advanced menu system, RTL (Right to Left languages) support etc. are the core features of this highly sophisticated website designing tool. If your really are looking for a quick solution to building website, you are just in the right place; go and get it!
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