In digital age almost everyone buy or order books either paper pack or digital ebook from ecommerce websites i.e. Flipkart, Amazon, ebay etc. These books selling ecommerce websites offer preview of the book before reader finally purchase it, to do that they showcase preview with different layout, you also must have notice the amazon way of showcasing books preview called “Look Inside”. Similarly in the context of online book preview recently Codrops team has developed a “look inside” book preview feature in CSS3 and HTML5, this modern way of preview showcasing is mainly supported by modern web browser only but this is really beautiful way to preview the book online.
To create Look Inside book preview effect Codrops team is using the Book Block plugin as you can see in demo for details of the books they are using 3D effects, as you click on details the book thumbnail move to left and details of the book i.e. Author name, ISBN etc. slide in from right. Similarly as you click on “Look Inside” it open a full screen popup window to show you preview of the book in flip style, so you can turn the pages of book from left to right and right to left through navigation arrows very similar to Google Play ebook reading functionality.