Countable.js to count words, paragraphs, characters and spaces

Countable.js to count words, paragraphs, characters and spaces
Countable.js to count words, paragraphs, characters and spaces

Although available javascript frameworks have just eased javascript development but before any javascript frameworks like Jquery, Mootools and others were invented it was alone javascript in which developer used to code since today also this is base of client side language (browser based) we can’t think beyond this.

Countable.js to count words, paragraphs, characters and spaces
Countable.js to count words, paragraphs, characters and spaces

Today there are endless plugins are available for jquery but the number of core javascript plugins are few, nevertheless javascript is the core of every plugins that is developed over its core or over its framework.

Today I am going to share with an independent javascript plugin called Countable.js that is light weighted and works alone to provide real time character counting or statistics features to count words, paragraphs, characters and spaces.

Countable.js is specifically written to count only textual content of an assigned text area box so that user will be aware of how many characters, words, paragraphs and spaces she/he has typed while typing.

Countable.js is a pretty good plugin to show your words statistics like ‘word count’ feature in M.S. Word.

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