Awesome infographic depicting most popular wordpress security plugins

WordPress is the world’s most popular open source blogging platform, It is an ever growing web application and now a days from the blogging platform it has moved to most popular content management system (CMS) and developers around the world are using WordPress while building complex web application or website.

There are thousands of free WordPress plugins and daily more are being added on WordPress plugin repository. Being most popular, open source and easy to operate WordPress always remain at the risk of being hacked due to security flaw.
If you are using WordPress for your blogging or website need and not yet properly configured its basic security then your WordPress installation is at risk of being hacked or defaced. Hackers around the world always try to find and discover new way to hack or deface website due to security lapse and when it comes to being an open source software then the risk of getting hack is even much bigger than other proprietary or paid software because of the easy availability of complete source code.
But you don’t need to worry about this because it is said that “Where there’s a will there’s a way” and there are major WordPress security plugins that are going to take care of your complete WordPress installation.
recently has designed an awesome infographic (that is first produced by which is showcasing the world’s most popular WordPress security plugin in terms of their downloading records and users rating reviews.

The infographic has covered 17 most popular WordPress security plugin in terms of their downloads tracks. SI Captcha Anti Spam is topping the list with the downloading record of 1,575,269 and thereafter WP Security scan is coming at number two.
So if you are looking for a best WordPress security plugin for your website or blog you can choose any of the security plugin out of 17 mentioned in infogrphic.
Happy and Secure WordPress blogging!