33 eCommerce set of free icons from smashingmagazine.com

33 free ecommerce icons from smashing magazine
33 free ecommerce icons from smashing magazine

Smashingmagazine just released 33 eCommerce set of free icons, the files contain variety of image format i.e. PNG, PS, AI.

33 free ecommerce icons from smashing magazine
33 free ecommerce icons from smashing magazine

The ready to use PNG format is included in set of icons. If you want to customize the icons i.e. its size, look and feel you can do all possible customization in PSD and AI version of icon files.

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/09/13/freebie-e-commerce-icons-33-png-ps-ai/” target=”blank” ]Download[/button]