Find out website font in real time with Typewonder to know website font and use it to know website font and use it

Web font is the key element to enhance the web typography of a website, an elegant look and feel of web font attract and engage the visitor of website and also a good looking font enhance the readability of the web content and reader can read web content in a more precise manner. to know website font and use it to know website font and use it

Typewonder is a website that takes website url as input and give you the list of used web fonts in website in real time.

Currently Typewonder is using google webfonts for integrating fonts in website, Once you enter the url and click on go it will show you the list of fonts with preview you can select any font and can use in your web project,

[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”” target=”blank” ]Goto[/button]