Download Responsive Email Templates by Zurb Playground

Responsive Email Template
Responsive Email Template

Since the web is following responsive web design the use of responsive email template is also increasing.

As a part of responsive email template I found a very helpful resource that will helpful to create responsive email template just like twitter bootstrap solve the problem of many UI developer this email template also solve the problem of many email template designer/coder.

Responsive Email Template
Responsive Email Template

If you are not following globally accepted code to design responsive web or email design then it is hard to overcome from cross browser incompatibility. It’s not only cross browser capability but also device compatibility now a day’s people are using different kind of mobile apps and email clients to check out their emails, email client application platform is also different, so building up responsive email template is an added advantage over simple html email template.

Because you are always keen to get better open rate on our email campaign or newsletter delivery if you are adding responsive flavor in your web or email design then it will be enhance your email, will expand your reach that eventually will lead to a better conversion rate.

To overcome from initial level of coding and implementing a kick start solution in your email template taking help of responsive email template framework is a great idea.

I would like to thanks to Zurb team for this wonderful creation.

Grab it now:

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