Testing IE browser compatibility via Modern.ie

Modern.ie for IE Testing
Modern.ie for IE Testing

Once your Photoshop web design layout is approved you start converting into html by using any sophisticated html editor like Dreamweaver.

Modern.ie for IE Testing
Modern.ie for IE Testing

While converting a web design layout into real world html based layout every designer or developer (coder) face lots of challenges to test their code into different browser and make it compatible to them.

While going through the browser compatibility test one again you face a big problem to make web layout compatible to Internet Explorer.

To make IE testing task easy I discovered a website called modern.ie that is delicately developed to test website compatibility for Internet Explorer only.

With this awesome web tool you can trace your web page to meet the Internet Explorer web coding standard, can trace the bug and fix it as well.

This utility you can use in two way either you can use it online through its url http://www.modern.ie or you can download the self-hosted version to test global web site locally.

Check it out now